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Education for sustainable development

Education is one of the salient pillars towards human progress. Accordingly, to advance sustainable development,  people of all ages must acquire the necessary abilities and skills to shape our world's future in a collective effort.

windenergy quizThus, education for sustainable development, in short, ESD, is about teaching the learners how to sustainably shape our common future. With the announcement of the Decade of Education for sustainable development  2005-2014,  the UNESCO called all educational actors of of possible learning spaces to adopt a perspective of lifelong learning and integrate the principles, values and practices in their teaching approaches.

The United Nation "Decade of Education for Sustainable Development" 2005-2014 (DESD) ties in with these educational demands. The goal is to synchronize  educational and training measures with the principles of sustainable advancement in every formal, informal and non-formal learning sphere.

In Harburg, daycare centres, schools, the Technical University (TUHH) and extra-curricular learning opportunities foster the learners' so-called participation skills.

Click on the links below and find out how Harburg teaches the young and the old how to combat the global challenges of the 21st century at the local level. You are welcome to contact our office team if there are other local sustainable educational or training projects and initiatives you support or know about.


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