Klimaportal der Lokalen Agenda 21 im Raum Harburg

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Welcome to Harburg's Climate Portal

Education for Sustainable Development (motif and photo by Gisela Baudy)Combating global climate change is high on today's political agenda. It is a global process that can only work if we all see the need for action, get actively involved  and combine forces at the local, regional, national and international level. Following and furthering the concept of "education for sustainable development", this platform serves a two-fold purpose: (i) raising  people's awareness of the socioeconomic and ecological impact of climate change and related issues threatening our common future and (ii) motivating the public to adopt a green(er), climate-friendly and socially just lifestyle, take action, communicate their thoughts and ideas, campaigns and projects etc on our web site and combine forces with us and like-minded groups.

We thank the Coordination Center for Climate Issues (Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg BSU) and our local District Authority for funding the set-up of this portal within the  framework of Hamburg's Climate Action Plan 2007-2012.

The precursor of this trilingual website was the Local Sustainability Portal run by "HARBURG21 - the Local Sustainability Network". This is a German non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) aiming to further the so-called "Agenda 21 process" predominantly at the local level.

HARBURG21 represents the local Agenda 21 for Hamburg's most southern area. Its name stands for "Harburg's plan for the sustainable development in the 21st century". The respective political decision dates back to 1997 when the delegates of the local parliament (Bezirksversammlung Harburg) agreed unanimously on setting up a local Agenda 21 for Harburg. Soon after the widely observed inauguratory plenary meeting the first Agenda 21 working or focal groups (transport21, schools21, energy) emerged and their hosts reported to the steering group on a regular basis. Administrative support came from the voluntary crew of the HARBURG21 office.

Click here to learn more about HARBURG21.

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footprint calculators (photo by Gisela Baudy) dark heaven (photo by Gisela Baudy) recommended reads (photo by Gisela Baudy) logo of United Nations
footprint calculators climate change
recommended reads
climate politics
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