Klimaportal der Lokalen Agenda 21 im Raum Harburg

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Home » Networking


Sustainable development is a complex process and the work of many. To advance the local Agenda 21 process, individuals, groups, initiatives, institutions and organizations are well advised to combine forces for synergetic effects.

This web portal offers you among other things, such networking service. So, use it and get in touch with us and/or other local or regional Agenda 21 players to find common grounds for action. There is bound to be at least one interesting collaborator for you out of our 80 or so network partners listed in alphabetical order below. Please also check the German lists (click on the German flag at the top).

Please note: Links holding English information are printed in italics.

Local groups and institutions

Local networking partners are based in both the District of Harburg and County Harburg. ...more

Partners of the region and beyond

The following list comprises of HARBURG21-collaborates based in Hamburg and Germany. ...more

International partners

International partners of HARBURG21 ...more


HARBURG21 regularly combines forces with local and other partners to further public awareness of sustainable issues such as climate and environmental protection, fair economic systems and the like. ...more
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