Klimaportal der Lokalen Agenda 21 im Raum Harburg

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05/09/2017 German Overshoot Day 2017

According to the Global Footprint Network, April 24th marked Germany's "Overshoot Day" this year. It came five days earlier than last year. For the… [more]

12/05/2016 Harburg Sustainability Prize 2016

Three winners and three special mentions. By Chris Baudy [more]

09/14/2016 Earth Overshoot Day 2016

August, 8th marks this year's Earth Overshoot Day.  So, we have already used up all the resources that Mother Earth has in store for us for this year… [more]

03/21/2016 Refugee Support Café

Asylum seekers based in Harburg and wanting legal advice may turn to the Refugee Support Cafe located on Kleiner Schippsee 22 in 21073 Hamburg. The… [more]

03/11/2016 Lower climate gas emissions in 2014

Amounting to (still staggering ) 901,9 million tons of CO2 equivalent,  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Germany were 4.6 per cent lower compared to… [more]

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