Environmental education and global learning are now an integral part of Hamburg's guidelines for formal education. Many Hamburg schools, amongst which count also Harburg schools, have implemented education for sustainable development (ESD) in their syllabi to enhance both their school life and learning scope. Many schools in Harburg are engaged in sustainability projects such as installing solar power, saving energy or reducing waste.
By 2011, twelve of altogether 40 Harburg schools have been awarded one or more of the following titles:
Green Training
The ELPCAMPUS, Centre of Competence, is the Harburg Branch of the Hamburg Chamber of Trade. Having caught up with the demands of sustainable development, their programme for further education and training includes opportunities to become a Councellor for Building Energy Performance (Gebäudeenergieberater), a Solar Technician (Fachkraft für Solartechnik) or an Insulation Technician (Fachkraft für Dämmtechnik).
Organic Food Trading
Trainees interested in becoming an Organic Food Retail Salesperson (Einzelhandelskaufffrau/-mann für Naturkost & Reformwaren) should apply with the "Eco-Island of Harburg" (Bioinsel Harburg). Here you will learn all the tricks of the trade.