Klimaportal der Lokalen Agenda 21 im Raum Harburg

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03/03/2022 Wintry hearts

Point of view [more]

02/21/2022 Harburg Forests pose danger to visitors

Clean-up operations are necessary after storms Ylena und Zeynep hit northern parts of Germany. [more]

11/26/2021 Harburg Sustainability Prize 2021 supports charity, business and research

This year's winning projects revolve around beeswax cloths, beyond plastic packaging and bridge repair. [more]

11/02/2021 EU funding for C2C pioneers

Hamburg Start-Up is getting closer to marketing its traceless bioplastics. [more]

08/02/2021 Earth Overshoot Day 2021

Our global footprint is still far too big. [more]

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