On November 13th, 2013, three proud winners received Harburg's First Sustainability Prize at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH): The Blue Engineering Working Group at the TUHH, the Catholic School of Harburg (KSH) and Harburg's Business School and Commercial College (H10) were each rewarded 500 euros for their projects. An independent jury of renowned representatives of the local administration, politics and the private sector had chosen the three winners out of 18 applicants for the prize worth 1.500 EUR. The motto of the prize was this "Leading the sustainable way - for Harburg, for everyone, today and tomorrow".
At 6:30 p.m. about 130 guests took their seats to follow the ceremony and find out who the winners were. Professor Dr Viktor Sigrist, vice president of the TUHH, welcomed everyone and explained how sustainability features in the teaching and research of the TUHH. Thomas Voelsch, Mayor of Harburg, looked on the practical side of sustainability and mused, for instance, about the relationship between climate-compliant building and higher rents. Juergen Marek, presenter of the evening and member of the HARBURG21 steering group, gave a short run-through on all 18 applicants and their projects.
The big moment of truth came at half past seven. Manfred Schulz, President of the Local Parliament, took the stand and announced the three winners and congratulated them on their achievements.
The "Blue Engineers" had been chosen for their innovative approach towards university teaching. Wishing to raise awareness amongst university students and teachers for the ecological and social responsibility of engineers, the group of students and post-grads organize respective workshops, information events, presentations and film screenings at the TUHH. Their ultimate aim is to integrate both environmental and ethical issues of engineering in the technical studies at the university.
Next in line was the Catholic School of Harburg (KSH) with their "Water Lab KSH2O". The school was awarded 500 EUR for their exemplary involvement in a project to improve the local Seeve Channel (Seevekanal) both as a natural habitat and a means to raise public awareness of the important role water plays in everybody's life.
The Harburg's business school and commercial college (H 10) received the remaining 500 EUR. These had been awarded for the school's creative advance towards integrating the protection of our natural resources, our environment and the climate (PREC) in the curriculum via an annual and school-wide "PREC day" (Ressourcen-, Umwelt- und Klimaschutztag, in short: RUK-Tag).
A rather impressive contribution to the ceremony was the musical presentation of the "Angklung Hamburg Orchestra". On their traditional musical instruments made from bambus (called Angklungs), 25 young Indonesians delighted the audience with bambus sound versions of a number of world hits. They concluded the ceremony with an amazing instrumental version of the famous rock song of the 70s "We are the champions" (Queen).
At the get-together everyone enjoyed organic fingerfood and eco-fair drinks, exchanged ideas and started networking. Guests and organizers alike approved of the event and left for home at nine-thirty. (Chris Baudy)
Read > here about the sustainability prize