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This section holds events (such as readings, workshops, panel discussions, exhibitions, presentations, conferences etc.) for the English-speaking public. The list inculdes events taking place in Hamburg and beyond  with the latest event at the top. 

If you are also interessted in German local and regional events, click on the German flag at the top right corner of our website.

Shrinking Spaces - Sudan forgotten

Place Hamburg-Altona
Date 19.09.23
Time 7 p.m.

Film screening and Discussion Shrinking Spaces – Forgotten Sudan. The event is part of  the W_3 -project Solidarisch Handeln Lernen (Learning to act in solidarity)

Guest Eythar Gubara – photographer, film maker and human rights activist  

Venue W_3-Saal, Nernstweg 32-34, 22765 Hamburg

Dokumentary =>  Arabic/Sudanese with English subtitles 
Discussion and Exchange =>: English

Presenter Theresia Kneschke

Pllease register here

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